Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i'm Back !

hai hai ! mella's here . aq nda pdli kmu ska atw nda but i'm here ! hha . hmm . now aq tgh bzy stdy for up coming  standardised test ! 

fuhh lamak ! i don't expect form 4 akn jd bgtu SENANG !  actually i'm only saying that in hope my life would be mre easier ! tp apa yg best about form 4 is ADD MATH . hha .

i luv add math . jgn jealous pla arh . hhe . 

bh . okey laa dlu . want to go back n stdy even mre ! bye . 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Masa-masa BURINK !

hai smua ! pa khbar kmu ? lw shat . gud laa . sybas2 . hha . hri ni aq nda bnyk la mw crita . juz a few things sja . 

tdi kn aq brink tul . jdi ada la dtng gila2 q . smbl mnikmati coklat . aq wat stu video . jeng . hha . mw tw ka video pa ? 
VIDEO pasal tyme FORM 3 . mw tnguk ? bh3 . kta lyan dlu ! CHAWWw .

Cute Polka Dotted Red Bow Tie Ribbon